The Greener NHS Revolution: How the Evergreen Programme Creates a Sustainable Future for Healthcare

The National Health Service (NHS) is a cornerstone of British society, providing high quality health care free at the point of need to millions of people since 1948. But with its vast network of hospitals, clinics, and staff, the NHS also has a significant environmental and ecological footprint. To address this challenge, the NHS launched the Evergreen Programme, a groundbreaking initiative designed to transform the healthcare system into a more sustainable and environmentally friendly one.

At its core, the Evergreen Programme is a collaborative effort between the NHS and its suppliers. Through a self-assessment tool called the Evergreen Sustainable Supplier Assessment, suppliers can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability practices, allowing the NHS to identify and partner with suppliers who share its environmental goals.

This guide aids internal communication professionals in ensuring smooth transitions, effective dissemination of information, staff engagement, and understanding of organisational changes. 

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NewZapp is committed to understanding and reducing the far reaching impact our business, like any, has on the environment. In 2021 NewZapp took concrete steps towards a more environmentally friendly future purchasing 35 acres of land in Devon. We are really passionate at making a positive impact beyond just carbon footprints, not just planting trees but restoring and enhancing biodiversity to support ecosystems.

The NHS understands that true sustainability extends far beyond just swapping to recycled paper towels. That’s why they created the Evergreen Programme – a win-win for the environment, public finances, and NHS partners.

Joined-up communications and collaboration

The Evergreen Programme isn’t just about procurement; it’s about building relationships, working together with suppliers to share best practices and develop innovative solutions for a greener NHS

Enhanced reputation

By working with environmentally responsible suppliers, the NHS can strengthen its position as a trusted, forward-thinking organisation strengthening the public image of the NHS

Improved efficiency

Sustainable practices often lead to cost savings. For instance, suppliers focused on resource reduction may offer products with lower life-cycle costs, reducing waste and saving money in the long term.

Reduced environmental impact

By partnering with suppliers who prioritise sustainability, the NHS can minimise carbon footprint across the entire supply chain. This could include everything from energy-efficient medical equipment to responsible waste management practices or ecologically responsible communications tools

As an NHS supplier we’re committed to a greener NHS, and the Evergreen Programme is a key part of that journey. By working together, we can create a healthier planet and a more sustainable health service. 

The good news is that any supplier, regardless of size or industry, can participate in the Evergreen Programme. The first step is to familiarise yourself with the Evergreen Sustainable Supplier Assessment available on the NHS England

The Road to NHS EverGreen: A Shared Journey

The Evergreen Programme is a significant step towards a more sustainable healthcare system. By working together, the NHS and its suppliers can create a future where high-quality healthcare goes hand-in-hand with environmental responsibility.

This is not just about ticking boxes on a form; it’s about embracing a new way of doing business, one that prioritises the health of both people and the planet. The Evergreen Programme is an opportunity for suppliers to become a part of this positive change, demonstrating their commitment to a sustainable future for the NHS and society as a whole.


Adam Baldock-Apps

Adam Baldock-Apps

Growth Marketing Manager

Passionate Marketing and Growth leader. Driving Digital Innovation and Brand Growth, expert in Tech and SaaS Marketing.

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