NHS internal email Demo

Guaranteed NHSmail inbox delivery

NHS Internal Email delivery direct to NHS.net mailboxes. No spoofing or warning of external email. Full tracking of emails opened and links clicked.

trusted delivery NHS email

Guaranteed Email Delivery

Your Trusted Delivery package will include everything you need to create professional looking internal communications to send to your staff, manage your database and measure your successes.

Complete the form below for a quick demo. If you’d like to find out more about our additional products and services please give one of our team a call on 01392 447200.

Your Details

Complete the form below to book your NHS internal email demo and one of our team will get back to you.

The Solution

NewZapp Trusted Delivery is an award-winning internal communication platform that overcomes your email delivery challenges. We are the only email service provider to achieve this. Our NHS Trust clients benefit from:
  • 100% guaranteed delivery to NHS.net & NHS.co.uk.
  • No spoofing issues.
  • No slow sending queues that clog up Outlook.
  • An intuitive platform for a quick and easy way to work.
  • A content editor that creates visually appealing comms.
  • Detailed analytics to measure performance.
  • ISO 27001 certified, an exceptional level of security.

Procure with G-Cloud

G-Cloud eases procurement by public-sector bodies in the United Kingdom of cloud information technology services. The framework simplifies the procurement process by providing buyers with a pre-approved list of suppliers and services. Buyers can browse the digital marketplace, assess suppliers, and select the best-suited options for their specific needs.

This streamlines the procurement process, reduces administrative overhead, and fosters transparency and competition.

In an increasingly digital world, public sector organisations need to adapt and embrace digital transformation to deliver better services to citizens. G-Cloud plays a pivotal role in this by providing a curated list of suppliers specialising in digital and cloud services.

Read our G-Cloud Listing