Devon Partnership NHS Trust and NewZapp Trusted Delivery

You are an NHS Trust that needs to keep over 3,600 staff informed and connected.

We are an internal communication tool specific to the NHS that guarantees the fast delivery of your emails. We also provide you with valuable analytics on the performance of each email.

We would love to join forces with you to help increase engagement amongst Devon Partnership staff. 

trusted delivery NHS email
Email editor

Who uses NewZapp Trusted Delivery?

NewZapp Trusted Delivery is used by NHS Trusts and Partners who:

Take your internal comms to the next level

Have a chat with us to see if NewZapp Trusted Delivery would be a good fit for Devon Partnership NHS Trust

What your team would benefit from

Healthcare employee small

Software built for the NHS

NewZapp Trusted Delivery is a communication solution purely for NHS Trusts and Partners.

We listened to the challenges and needs of our NHS customers and, using our 20 years of experience in email communications, built a bespoke communication tool that is NHSmail compatible, GDPR compliant, and guarantees the fast and effective delivery of all your emails.

Software screenshots

Game changing features

As a NewZapp Trusted Delivery customer you will have access to highly intuitive software that enables you to:

  • Effortlessly create eye catching emails.
  • Segment your staff and easily maintain those groups.
  • Measure the performance of every email you send to inform your future strategy.
Customer care

Exceptional support

As well as cutting-edge technology, with NewZapp Trusted Delivery you will also have a UK-based named Account Manager. 

Your dedicated Account Manager will be with you from the moment you become a customer. They will show you around the software, hold regular catch-ups with you and be on hand whenever you have a question. 

Join the NewZapp Trusted Delivery family

Royal Devon University NHS

Resources you might find useful


Internal comms guide

Download your personal guide to help you create more impactful internal communications, increase efficiency within your comms team and for top tips on building your internal communications strategy.

Content planner

There’s a lot to consider when you are mapping out your internal comms. This template consolidates everything and will help you plan and keep track of all your internal comms content.

mental wellbeing

Supporting mental wellbeing

A prominent topic at the moment, this blog provides some useful stats, links and tips to help improve staff mental wellbeing through the use of internal communications.