QR Code Camapigner

Employee Engagements that get results. NewZapp Trusted Delivery gives you the power to integrate your surveys and emails quickly with measurable analytics.

QR Code Campaigner

QR Code Campaigner is accessible by everybody no matter where or when they work so you can be confident that even your hardest to reach employees will have a voice and receive the information they need and want.

It solves the problem of reaching employees who do not have access to company email.

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The problem facing internal communicators

Whilst email is used by 95% of organisations to communicate with staff, research suggests that over 60% of employees are non-desk and non-work email employees which means they will not receive your crucial internal comms messages. 

Employee Apps go part of the way to solve this, but most organisations don’t provide all staff with company mobile phones and employees don’t want to install work apps on their personal mobile phones for various reasons.

How do we reach this huge number of employees who want to receive internal comms but don’t? This has been done traditionally with printed newsletters, posters in break rooms, and staff noticeboards. These tend to take a while to produce and the information in them is stale by the time it is printed.

So what can you do to bridge this gap?

QR Code Campaigner from NewZapp

In partnership with clients like Network Rail and the NHS we have developed a solution to this problem. QR Code Campaigner from NewZapp is an effective, simple and powerful feature that gives you the ability to reach ALL your employees


How does it work?

By utilising the resurgence and acceptance of QR Code technology the team at NewZapp Communications have changed the way crucial, and often critical, internal communications are delivered.

Using the NewZapp platform to generate location-specific QR Codes and placing them on signs and posters in canteens, break rooms, car parks and other employee locations you can provide an easy way for employees to use any phone to quickly scan and read the latest information.

NewZapp allows any number of different QR Codes to be created and assigned to a location. No need to change the poster, when you publish the latest campaign you simply assign it to the QR code of your choice.

Reach ALL employees

An internal communications email will only be effective if it is received by each of your recipients. 

With a workforce that spans hundreds of different job roles it is easy to understand how silo working and communication barriers can form. Add to this the fact that many employees do not have regular access to a computer and the scale of the communication challenge becomes apparent.

Now you can reach every employee across your organisation.

With this control over your employee reach, you can ensure your internal communications are relevant and received all the time.  

Measurable Analytics

As with your email campaigns – NewZapp tracks all QR code activity inside its reporting suite.

See how many opens and clicks each QR code location has received in real-time. Perfect for establishing employee reach and which location is performing the best. 

Are you ready to scan your internal communications to new heights?

Request a free demo to discover what you could achieve.